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Join a growing number of entrepreneurs who are creating games worth playing while mastering the art of living

What moritz writes in his newsletter is of high quality, the quality of a good book. I highly recommend reading it as it offers inside into transforming your life and your business.
- Ria Bauhofer


Every time Moritz Lembert drops into my inbox, I can count on seeing something new about myself, my business and the life I’m creating. It feels like his newsletter is written just for me in a way that speaks perfectly to what I’m working through in real time.
- Deryl Sweeny: Leadership And Business Coach


Moritz is the future of coaching
- Rich Habets

January 13, 2024

The Power of Distinction and How Advice is Limited

A business is a moving entity. There are moving pieces in the air, and the questions we tend to ask are only getting us this far.

January 20, 2024

How to Dance Through Mastery

When observing my peers and myself I could distinguish a few types of people in the dance world (it's the same in business).....

January 6, 2024

The Way to Effective Performance

Most people would say that the world shows up here, right in front of them. It is immediate and unavoidable.

December 30, 2023

You Can't Change Your Beliefs

Our beliefs are creating the context for our life. If we don't believe something to be possible, we are very unlikely to try it out.

December 23, 2023

I Asked People To Leave My Facebook Group!

Living our life at the stance of watching the game will never be able to create a better quality of game (life).

December 16, 2023

How Are You Managing Your Time?

 Doing one thing at a time, and you find you can always ever do the one thing...

December 12, 2023

Distinctions Are The Backbone Of Personal Power

When it comes to building a business, we like the sailor, travel far out in an unknown sea, not knowing what we don’t know, what's beyond...

December 9, 2023

Mastery is a Commitment to Practice

Mastery doesn't have a destination; it doesn't take you an amount of time. It is a commitment to practice that, if you stay on the path.....

November 4, 2023

This is Keeping You Limited

I remember working with an entrepreneur once who told me that he could only charge a certain fee for services because that was the limit wit

October 28, 2023

Constant Performance is a Myth

We think we are built to always operate from a constant level of energy and that this is a system that once in place, requires no further a.

August 12, 2023

When Will It Be Ok For You To Be Yourself?

Wanting power to not feel powerless, fame to not feel a sense of lostness, money to not feel out of control, and knowledge to not feel dumb.

July 29, 2023

The Danger is Following Others' Advice

You listen to everyone, read everything, be the "Great student!" my stand is that it will not help you to progress to "your" next level.

What Personal Development is Really About

To me, personal development is simple. It is the development of a person who functions in a way in Life that makes Life joyful, successful..

Never Again Blaming Others For Your Results

The way you see yourself and the way you see the world are the cause of your Feelings, Action, and Results. But only always.

Why Your Word Matters

We can make people in the eyes of others, and we can break them in the eyes of others. My word can be something you count on

The Freedom of Creating From Nothing

In our conversation, she moved to see entirely different possibilities, and in the end, she didn't even think she had to leave her

How "I don't have time" Is a Lie

I love to do it, but I have no time. I will do it, then. I have this great idea for my business, yet it's not ready to be out yet. I am wait

How To Get The Most Out Of Learning Anything?

Look for implementation, not Information. Implementation leads to transformation...

How To Create Systems And Best Use Them

I hated systems, and so did one of my clients. She refused the idea of having a system because of the limiting effect it has. I could so

How To Master Your Results

As the well-known coach Steve Hardison (the ultimate coach) says so clearly: “What creates desired outcomes in the world, is action” It is

Who Are You Being In Your Business?

I had a meeting with a potential business partner. She wanted to discuss the possibility of us working together. She proposed that I create

Hi, I am Moritz Lembert

I work closely with founders, individuals and corporations to support them create results that exceed what seems possible. Creating satisfaction in their work, clarity in their minds and peace and fulfilment in their relationships.

I have worked with doctors, coaches, artists, marketers, web developers, employees, finance-workers, lawyers and other professionals.

Most recently, I have been creating The Art of Living Academy, which is a space where practical philosophy meets modern business education and a community that supports and nurtures the dreams and visions of its members.