December 31, 2024
Happiness: Widely Talked About, Seldom Understood
In a world driven by more, happiness is often mistaken for a fleeting rush of dopamine after achieving the next big thing.
I personally have nothing against monetary goals, achieving big dreams, hitting targets, or setting ambitious objectives. Yet, what is crystal clear to me is that no goal, no amount of money in the bank, nor the recognition of others will provide lasting happiness.
Because as long as I believe happiness is tied to external objects or achievements, I am dependent on a world that aligns perfectly with my expectations to feel what many mistake for happiness.
The problem is, the world doesn’t care about your ideas. It moves as it moves, changes as it changes, and often in ways you cannot predict, don’t want, or dislike. This is inevitable.
All my clients who have achieved substantial monetary success know this: whatever number they once believed would make them happy wasn’t it.
So, what’s the answer?
Instead of giving up on goals or constantly chasing more, hoping that more will eventually feel better, we can recognize this: what we are looking for is not found in the direction of external objects.
It’s an inside job. It’s a place to come from.
As a wise man once said, “The only way to make sure you are not happy is to try to be happy.”
Instead of trying to get there, I invite my clients to flip the script.
What if you came from happiness?
- What if your goals and achievements were an expression of your happiness, not the means to create it?
- What if love was where you were coming from, and your relationships were simply an expression of your love, not a remedy to receive it?
Every client who plays with this idea is surprised to discover they already have the power to do it. To come from happiness instead of waiting for the world to make them happy.
Ideas from Me:
1. Life is more than a target to hit.
2. Control is the biggest illusion of all.
3. Love is not a place to get to, but a place to come from.
Idea from Others:
"The quickest way to be happy is to choose what you already have." — Werner Erhard
Question to Ponder:
Where do my thoughts come from?