December 3, 2024

When you ask someone who they are, they gonna point to some memory of what they have done or the role they occupy.

If you then go deeper into this experience you and I call me, you find that almost all of what you refer to as I, is, in fact, memory.

But what is it that is memorizing? What is it that these experiences occur to?

This question keeps fascinating me, and it shows just how little we know about even the most primary part of existence... Our own selves.

Let's dive into our ideas for the week! 👇

Ideas from me:

1: "Nothing worth doing is born out of fear."

2: "Freedom is found in the acceptance of what is."

3: "In reality, Self-love is the only love that exists."

Ideas from Others:

"Life is not a task. There is absolutely nothing to attain except the realization that there is absolutely nothing to attain."

-Tony Parsons

Question to Ponder:

Who is trying to get ahead in life?

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