December 28, 2024

As we approach the end of the year, it’s a great time to reflect on the past year, complete what’s left unfinished, learn from our experiences, and think about how we want to start 2025.

Instead of New Year’s resolutions, I prefer to ask myself questions. Why?

Because questions have the power to illuminate. New Year’s resolutions are often ideals we project onto the future, but if we don’t address what’s been holding us back this year, we are unlikely to fulfill these idealistic projections, leaving us disappointed and facing another year of unmet expectations.

So here are some of the questions I ask myself this year:
• What has worked really well this year?
• What have I stopped that made a difference?
• What have I started that made a difference?
• Who is giving me energy?
• Who is inspiring me?
• Who is draining my energy?
• What did I promise but didn’t fulfill?
• What would need to happen to complete these promises?
• What conversations do I no longer want to entertain?
• What spaces do I no longer want to participate in?
• What was the 20% I did this year that created 80% of my results?
• If I could only talk to 10 people this year, who would they be and why?
• If I could rewind this year, what would I do differently and why?
• What did I learn from my reflections?
• What is one word that describes my focus for the coming year?

I’d love to hear from you what you discover after asking yourself these questions.

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