November 19, 2024

What am I working on? 🎬

Coming back from a week of cooking in the kitchen, I am now focused on building the course and engaging with my community.

I noticed over the last few weeks that I had gotten lost in the world of online marketing. It’s an interesting balance to strike between staying true to what you do and love and making your product or service known.

In the age of the internet and readily available information, we can easily bypass our inner knowing of what works for us and what doesn’t, ending up listening to everyone who seems to have the game handled.

"Just do more, go out there, be loud, the new way to effortlessly create business..."

It’s everywhere. I’ve gotten so much advice about what I should be doing to get more eyeballs on my business. But very seldom does someone take the time to actually get present with who’s in front of them, and whether their suggestion would work for that person.

See, I love talking, and I love writing, so it’s natural for me to use these two tools to engage with people, share what I’m up to, and provide value.

Yet, that might not be you.

I’ve often gotten feedback to make my writing simpler, shorter, less articulate, and less deep.

There are people with way more experience than I am giving these suggestions. But they miss one crucial experience to give it:

Being me.

In the echo chamber of social media, we can become better versions of someone else’s realizations and do what they did more effectively. That’s one way.

But bringing your authentic, unique expression to the world will not come out of that.

Yes, I’ve gotten the advice to shorten my text, simplify it, make it more digestible, and speak to a less educated, less engaged, less spiritually developed audience. But guess what? Those people never ended up working with me anyway.

I get people who respond to me, and I know in an instant they won’t be my clients. And the people who are taking the time to read, engage, and go deep. These are the clients I have.

In this culture of advice and tips, we miss a crucial ingredient.


Being ourselves, being as we are, being present and engaged from a place of freedom.

Not the freedom you hope to get by having a million followers, but the freedom to express what is true for you, even if it doesn’t give you a million followers.

The world doesn’t need more followers.

The world needs more people who think for themselves.

Okay, enough for now... Let's dive into our ideas for the week! 👇

Ideas from Me:

1: "The rule in business is to build something your customers want. The rule in art is to create something for its own sake. Maybe that’s why there is more heart in art."

2: "Once your fear drops away, you get to choose which games are worth playing."

3: "Most of what modern business involves is trying to produce products and services that give you back time. With that time, the promise is to be able to relax and enjoy the people around you. I like to start the other way around: relax and enjoy the people around me, and if it makes sense, create products and services together for the joy of creating it or the real need to solve a problem that exists."

Ideas from Others:

"The only man who behaved sensibly was my tailor: he took my measure anew every time he saw me, whilst all the rest went on with their old measurements and expected them to fit me."

—George Bernard Shaw

Question to Ponder:

What would you say if being liked was not in the equation?

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