January 7, 2025
Every time I commit myself to a new standard of operating, there are two things I am confronted with: the reasons why I haven’t done it (usually centered around some fear) and the question of what I want to focus on now.
Every couple of months, I go through a process that lets me look at all I do and see what I no longer want to do, what I can hand out, delete, or make easier.
Since starting this process, I have become more and more effective at deleting, delegating, or creating systems to simplify what needs to be done.
When that happens, I suddenly have a great deal of time on my hands, and I can now look at how it will be spent.
When you never make space, there is nothing new that can enter.
Letting go of what has gotten you here is scary, yet it is what needs to happen as you commit to playing a new game.
Ideas from me:
"Your next evolution is on the other side of deleting 90% of what you do today."
"The time you spend recharging is part of the time you spend producing."
"Playfulness can turn any problem into an exciting adventure."
Ideas from others:
“Holding on is believing that there’s only a past; letting go is knowing that there’s a future.”
— Daphne Rose Kingma
Question to ponder:
What can I let go of that no longer serves me?