February 12, 2025
We Just Completed Our 3-Day Training
Three days of deep self-understanding, transcending patterns, and creating new futures.
Every time after an experience like the Being Business Intensive, I am immensely grateful for the work I am able to do and for seeing how every single participant threw themselves into the process.
Today, I want to share the words of Ann, who I have seen transform her life since the first time I met her. I think it’s just perfect what she wrote:
Don’t eat fish. Mind the water.
You’re so much BIGGER than you THINK you are!
It’s my third round at Moritz Lembert’s Being Business Intensive. Again, barely halfway into day two, I’m breaking through.
The magic of this tremendously transformative experience lies in the way Moritz and Ria Bauhofer invite us to step beyond the confines of our own perception-driven reality and truly see what we’ve created for ourselves. As Moritz so vividly put it, it’s like lifting a fish out of its bowl, giving it the rare chance to finally see the water it’s always been swimming in. More often than not, it turns out to be dreadfully gloomy.
It seems that somewhere in life, we give up on the magic we hold, giving up on ourselves. Too often, we choose to follow the fearful, limiting narratives of others, shrinking to fit their version of reality instead of embracing our own. And then, we blame them for stealing our freedom and stifling our self-expression.
Boy, oh boy, have I ever blamed my parents, the ‘system,’ family, friends, teachers—even life itself. And even now, I catch myself slipping into that pattern at times.
The real game-changer? Realizing that I have a CHOICE and taking RESPONSIBILITY for it, no matter the outcome. Knowing I get to choose my reality and can take whatever action necessary to shape it. If, for example, my mind tells me, “I can't make it to the Being Intensive since I'm just too exhausted” — as it did just before I left on Friday morning — I remember that I have the power to choose whether or not to act on that thought.
I chose to come from the possibility that I am FAR MORE CAPABLE THAN I THINK I AM. And it turns out I TRULY AM.
Today, I found myself deeply touched and profoundly connected—first with myself, and from there, with every other person in the room.
I’m immensely grateful for the openness and presence of every single soul in this group, as whatever arose within them reflected something within me. Every experience shared, every emotion expressed, held a mirror to some part of myself, offering insight and clarity in the most beautiful way. It sparked a connection in a manner that I found myself moved to tears in the presence of something I can only describe as pure Love.
I suddenly realized I felt totally safe in the midst of this happening—this being with Life and with myself. Raw and unconditional, embracing and embraced by all its greatness and brutality.
I found myself in COMPLETE ACCEPTANCE, deeply IN LOVE. Being. With Life. Immersed.
In an endless ocean of limitless possibilities…
What a magic to rediscover the magic of life…
Now I am taking a rest. You’ll hear more soon!