January 21, 2025

What Does It Mean to Be Human?

(A share of current opinions and thoughts)

This question will be more central than ever before, given the evolution of work we are experiencing.

So far, we have defined ourselves as the most intelligent (we’re not anymore), adaptable, social, creative, and self-reflective beings in the known universe.

Our ability to create, invent, and build intelligent systems and machines has shaped the meaning of life for billions of people on this planet.

Now, we have developed technology that will surpass most of what we thought we were. Millions of jobs will disappear as AI becomes more skilled and cheaper than human labor for most of what we do today.

In the short term, physical labor will increase in value before robots become cheap enough to handle that too.

One can look at this and deny it (which I think is shortsighted).  

One can look at this and be optimistic about their job (which I also think is shortsighted).

Or one can deeply engage with the question of whether our current models for what it means to be human need to be updated (which I think is necessary).

Companies, individuals, countries, and education systems must engage with this question and use our power to create the meaning of being human—rather than waiting for the future to define it for us.

I believe that the world of transformational coaching and learning has something valuable to offer in this discussion. By looking at our ability to be fulfilled and have a purpose, regardless of circumstances (Viktor Frankl’s Man’s Search for Meaning is a perfect example of this capability), we can contribute to shaping a meaningful future.

I see it as our responsibility not to wait until jobs are gone and we are left with a slow-moving bureaucratic apparatus to fix our future. Instead, we need to take a stand and actively create it—with questions, research, and alongside technology.

Most people wait for something to happen before they move, but I’d say it is already happening. We can either move as conscious beings, creating the future or be moved by what is happening and hope it turns out okay.

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