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Join a growing number of entrepreneurs who are creating games worth playing while mastering the art of living

What moritz writes in his newsletter is of high quality, the quality of a good book. I highly recommend reading it as it offers inside into transforming your life and your business.
- Ria Bauhofer


Every time Moritz Lembert drops into my inbox, I can count on seeing something new about myself, my business and the life I’m creating. It feels like his newsletter is written just for me in a way that speaks perfectly to what I’m working through in real time.
- Deryl Sweeny: Leadership And Business Coach


Moritz is the future of coaching
- Rich Habets

September 14, 2024

Going Beyond Thought

We can transform, always, in any moment, under any condition, as we have the power to choose a new outlook on life, one that gives us power.

September 10, 2024

Facts of Life

Meeting the facts of life is immensely liberating.

September 4, 2024

1,2,3 Ideas

Mastery is finding the fulfillment in practice, not the attainments of things.

September 7, 2024

The need for Practice

True freedom doesn't occur in the relinquishment of effort or practice but in the understanding that in itself, all practice is neutral.

August 31, 2024

Having is not freedom

If the having of things would have set you free, it would have done so by now.

August 24, 2024

Where do we find our Self?

There is nothing of value to be found by listening to the chatter in your mind as life is lived here and now, right in front of us.

August 17, 2024

Being in the world VS being in your head

There is a whole world full of potential waiting for everyone who stops giving the voice inside their head dominion over everything.

August 10, 2024

What does the tree think when you fail?

Meaning is created in our thoughts and words. Meaning is created through our language.

August 3, 2024

The fundamental error

As there is nothing more inauthentic than the story that YOU have no power in life.

July 28, 2024

Break the pattern!

Do something totally different and see what you discover.

July 20, 2024

Cut it out!

Declutter what's no longer needed and make space for what really makes a difference for you.

July 13, 2024

Break the pattern

You'd be surprised at what happens if you break your patterns. Who knows, you might experience something exciting.

July 6, 2024

Being your word

A lack of integrity with your WORD can kill relationships and whole businesses.

June 29, 2024

Every phase of your life requires a different you!

To create life is to fall in love with the possibility you are and stop being addicted to having a fixed sense of self.

June 22, 2024

Who is you?

Your life is an expression, not of the voice in your head but of the whole possibility of the Self, playing, creating, and expressing Self.

June 15, 2024

Doing What It Takes

Creating something in the world takes action, and it takes the action that will lead to creating it.

June 8, 2024

Your brain lies to you

We think we see reality when in fact we mostly see what our brain calculates as save enough to survive.

June 1, 2024

Where have you stopped making a difference?

What if you are powerful, so powerful that you could actually make a real difference in another human being's life?

May 25, 2024

You Can Act Independently From Your Mood

Can feel anything - no need to change it - and you are able to act independently of that feeling. So I can write when I am sad, joyful, ...

May 18, 2024

Why You Don't Get What You Want

We want to skip to making money fast, getting famous fast, & having a relationship fast. We don't like to wait. We like to be rewarded NOW!

May 11, 2024

Trying to Be Someone I Am Not!

We are all actors, yet different from the actors, we don't see that we are playing a role. The confusion we have is that we....

April 5, 2024

Integrity: Beyond Morality

Being a person of integrity is the opportunity to trust yourself/life completely which does not mean to never make a mess.....

April 27, 2024

The Thing I Learned from Studying Zen

Zen draws a clear distinction between the world of concepts and the world of presence. Our minds, especially in Western culture....

April 20, 2024

Developing Depth in Being You!

The more I let go of the expectation of being like everyone else the more I recognise the natural flow of my own being...

April 13, 2024

Mastery Is A Never-ending Game

Mastery is not about perfectionism and spending years without showing your work but the continued willingness to practice, practice......

March 30, 2024

Perfection is the Killer of Your Dreams!

Messy reality of being an entrepreneur. That is where the game is played. Embracing the messy reality of being an entrepreneur around .....

March 23, 2024

The Power of Your Imagination

Four years ago, I wrote in a document, the life I wanted to create.....

March 9, 2024

What's Missing?

When Instead of looking at what was missing, I would be busy with doing it right, being better, getting better, needing to do more....

February 3, 2024

Sometimes You Fall Flat On Your Face!

When you mess up, there is something to discover and see, and if you would see it, it could make a real difference...

February 24, 2024

A Pandemic of Reason

Powerful shifts, as I came to see, happen when we step into the space of not knowing and going anyway, putting our reasons aside and....

Hi, I am Moritz Lembert

I work closely with founders, individuals and corporations to support them create results that exceed what seems possible. Creating satisfaction in their work, clarity in their minds and peace and fulfilment in their relationships.

I have worked with doctors, coaches, artists, marketers, web developers, employees, finance-workers, lawyers and other professionals.

Most recently, I have been creating The Art of Living Academy, which is a space where practical philosophy meets modern business education and a community that supports and nurtures the dreams and visions of its members.