March 8, 2025
"Your power is a function of velocity, that is to say, your power is a function of the rate at which you translate intention into reality. Most of us disempower ourselves by finding a way to slow, impede, or make more complex than necessary the process of translating intention into reality."
— Werner Erhard
Your reasons don’t create the future you want. They just reinforce the past you’ve already lived.
The problem with your reasons is that they are part of a larger system of reference—your worldview.
When it comes to changing your results, one thing we often don’t want to face is that it will only happen by updating our current model of the world... and ourselves.
As Einstein supposedly said, “Madness is doing the same thing and expecting a different result.”
I would say: “Madness is thinking the same things and expecting a different result.”
What we think shapes how we see the world and ourselves. How we see them determines how we behave.
What we see creates what we do, and what we do creates what we have.
The human mind doesn’t just act as a filter for reality; it also acts like a projector. Your beliefs and references create what you see.
This is why reasons, as reasons, aren’t very interesting to me in my work. They only interest me as a way to uncover the underlying model of the world my client has.
If I listened to my clients’ reasons for why things aren’t possible, I would simply reinforce their beliefs and keep them stuck in the loop of what they already think they know.
Luckily, I’m not paid for that. I’m here to support them in going beyond their reasons.
Like my client this week, who presented a list of reasons why he should get a side job (that would maybe make $3k a month) and why he couldn’t call people now. I gave him the challenge: Make as much money as you can in 35 minutes.
That killed all his reasons and got him into playing the game.
In 35 minutes, he made $40,544.96 for his business.
He was required to go beyond his reasons. He was willing to play.
The result? An unbelievable amount of money was made in just 35 minutes. Unbelievable because it wasn’t allowed in the model of the world he had just minutes before.
Your reasons are valid reasons, but they aren’t the truth about what’s possible in reality.
In reality, you can:
- Find someone and get married after 4 weeks of knowing them.
- Make a million in 1 hour.
- Learn to fuse atoms.
- Create AI.
- Transcend your everyday consciousness and experience levels of consciousness where even your body disappears.
- And you can build a business that allows you and your family to be well off and contribute meaningfully to others.
Maybe, just maybe, you’ll stop holding onto your reasons so tightly.
Enjoy your weekend!