Cut it out!

July 22, 2024

Every now and then, I realize that I have accumulated things and practices that are no longer useful.

It is like when you are moving into a new house; in the beginning, you only have the essentials: what you need to cook, sit, clean, and a place to sleep.

As you go on your shopping trips, and you get presents from your friends and have birthdays, and see this one thing you think you could use, or you started a hobby that lasted for three weeks, and now you still have all of this stuff for woodwork and painting in your house, you start to clutter the once beautiful and empty space.

If we don't take a moment to really look at what it is, we want to keep what has served its purpose but is no longer needed; we end up carrying things around that don't empower our clarity and beingness.

Our days are mainly run by automation mode, and the drawers in our apartment escape our conscious attention, and so do the drawers in our minds.

So today is your chance to declutter what's no longer needed and make space for what really makes a difference for you.

Looking in your own life, I invite you to follow this set of questions and use it to declutter your life and make space for what actually matters to you today.

1. If I had to delete 80% of what I am doing every day, what would be left?

2. If I had to move and could only bring two bags, what would I take with me?

3. What are habits I have that no longer serve me?

4. What are old ways of thinking that I can leave to the past?

5. Looking at the future I want to experience, what am I not doing and thinking anymore in that future?

The path to fulfillment, effectiveness, and progress is more often than not colored by removal, not by adding new things.

In the end, none of what you have you gonna take with you. So what's really worth keeping?

In stillness,


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